Industrial Hearing Protection
Customized Service
On-site Fitting Programs
Insta-Mold Products has created a team of highly trained, professional fitting specialists.
Each member of our fitting team can create hearing protectors at an exceptional level of fit & finish while offering the highest level of customer service.
On site training
Insta-Mold offers a complete training workshop.
We will teach your medical staff, safety coordinator, or other appropriate employee how to make the Insta-Mold Hearing Protection Device.
*There is a site visitation fee for the training and traveling expenses may apply
Training & Fitting Combination
For many companies, the best option calls for an on-site fitting by our trained fitting team in conjunction with a training program. Your employee's will be fit for an Insta-Mold HPD by a member of our fitting team. At the same time we will teach a member of your medical staff or other appropriate staff member how to create an Insta-Mold Hearing Protector.
*Based on the size of the job, fees for training seminars may be waived.