Our SHS Electronic Standard Earplug Series are fantastic units for archery hunters, shooters and nature enthusiasts who want the advantage of hearing the game before actually seeing it. They were developed to be a less expensive, but highly effective alternative product to our "Custom" and "In-the-Canal" Custom Electronic Earplug Series.
All models available in beige brown and gray.
SHS I Basic
The SHS I Basic is the best option for those looking for hearing protection and enhancement in an economic package.It does not feature any ATC potentiometers or manual telecoil for wireless communication ability.Not available in black
This unit is designed exactly the same as the SHS I unit above except it will feature a manual telecoil component. When the user wants to use this unit in a "wireless" communication application, they will switch the memory into this second setting.
This will allow the unit to receive wireless audio communications from an induction loop system. It can also be attached and used with other systems in a "hard wired" configuration.
This unit merges the function of the "wireless" communication aspect into one single "enhancement/protection and wireless audio" mode.
Which means that the user will hear the radio communications as well as their outside enhancement at the same time.Meaning no switching back and forth as in the SHS II unit.This unit will feature three memory modes - 1) enhancement-protection,
2) active telecoil/enhancement-protection,
3) mute.Again, these units will need to work with an induction loop system in order to understand and hear the radio traffic correctly. They can also be used in a "hard wired" configuration if desired.
This unit is built with the same characteristics as the SHS III but is programmed with Speech Enhancement software.This means better clarity in the "speech" range for understanding conversation in the field. This unit will also have an additional memory programmed into its circuit to reduce unwanted background sounds and wind noise.The memories will switch as follows -1) enhancement-protection,
2) background reduction enhancement-protection,
3) active telecoil/enhancement-protection
4) mute.Again, these units will also need to work with an induction loop system in order to understand and hear the radio traffic correctly in the "wireless-telecoil" mode.They can also be used in a "hard wired" configuration if desired.
This unit builds on the foundations of the SHS IV but adds an additional fifth memory program to the circuit board that allows the user to focus the mics to what they see in front of them The memories would be as follows - 1) enhancement-protection,
2) background reduction enhancement-protection,
3) directional mic enhancement-protection
4) active telecoil/enhancement-protection
5) mute.Again, these units will also need to work with an induction loop system in order to understand and hear the radio traffic correctly in the "wireless-telecoil" mode.They can also be used in a "hard wired" configuration if desired.